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Custom design your professional learning

Designing a professional learning programme generally begins with knowing where to start. We can help identify and clarify your particular needs and guide you towards preparing a successful application.

Tailored specifically to your requirements, programmes can include a mix of 1 to 1 coaching, group workshops, whole staff sessions, or online courses and virtual support.

Leadership for

Drawing on our educational leadership knowledge and expertise, we work with principals and Kāhui Ako leads, deputy principals, Boards of Trustees and middle leaders, showing people how to turn theory into practice.

Leadership for

We show people how to build effective relationships, create better processes and cultural change that align with your organisational vision and values, making your strategy become lived and real, and your organisation, stronger.


Very often the only difference between achieving success or experiencing failure, is knowing how to put your strategies and plans into action.

Combining our focus on strategic leadership, new technologies and sustainable, smart systems with our unique blend of leadership, technology, and teaching expertise, we empower leaders to develop future-proofed approaches to learning and development that result in organisational transformation.

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Keep an eye on what's new in educational and leadership thinking with our curated facilitator blogs.

Free resources

Tips, tricks & templates designed to make your life easier

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